About Us
Unlike many professional nail technicians, I started my career in the beauty industry at a later stage in life. I have always been passionate about the industry and decided to take the leap from the legal profession when turning 30.
From a young age I was encouraged by my Grandfather, who was a professional artist, to experiment with colours and painting techniques. My mother and father have also always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and have somewhat instilled the motto ‘nothing ventured nothing gained’ within me. The input of those closest to me have been part of the long process in starting this brand and in aiding my personal development as a female entrepreneur/businesswoman in this industry.
When studying for my professional qualification it became apparent that the nail products being used looked outdated and somewhat very similar to one another and most importantly the quality of the products were poor much to the frustration of both the students and tutors, thus my quest to develop products of the highest quality for the best value for money began. Some months later after one or two cocktails and a few conversations, Nails On Poiint was born.
I am very proud of the Nails On Poiint brand. Our aim and ethos is to build a brand that everyone and anyone can wear; our goal is to provide inspiration and On Poiint nails for all occasions that you can be proud of. We are at the beginning of our journey but I for one am very excited for whats to come!